How Often Should You Cut Your Grass?

How Often Should You Cut Your Grass?

How Often Should You Cut Your Grass?

Grass Length
One of the questions we hear the most is, "How often should I be cutting my lawn?".  Well, it depends.

During the spring months we're usually mowing properties every week or so.  That's because it's a fast growing season for the turf.  The temps are not too cold and also not too hot, creating great conditions for growth.  It's important to stay on top of mowing during this time because if we let it get too long the lawn can become prone to disease.  Not to mention you then have to worry about double cuts.....

The summer months bring extreme heat and drought conditions so we back off the mowing a bit.  Closer to every 10-14 days seems to work better during these months.  That gives the grass plenty of time to grow the proper amount before cutting.  If we cut too often it can lead to long term damage.


  • The length of the grass is really the determining factor.  It's ideal to cut whenever you can safely take off about a 1/3 of growth without getting into the bottom 1/3 of the remaining grass blade.
  • Growth rates can be affected by irrigation scheduling
  • Cutting too short OR leaving too long can lead to extreme turf damage
  • Professionals monitor the ever changing outdoor conditions and adjust accordingly
*Here's a good DIY article on lawn mowing schedules:

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